early childhood

Thinking of joining our Early Childhood family? Here’s what we’re all about:


Play is a child’s most important work. Our Early Childhood program allows children to engage in playful activities, both indoors and outdoors. Through play, children develop the capacity for creative thinking, problem solving, and social skills, and build a foundation for academic success in grade school. It’s also just fun!


Storytelling is at the heart of every Waldorf education. Beginning in the Early Childhood, children are exposed to stories, tales, and fables from all over the world, cultivating a lifelong love of language and nurturing a deep cultural and social awareness. Whether singing a seasonal verse, listening to a teacher tell a fairy tale, or acting out a puppet play, our children are surrounded by stories that engage their imagination and bolster their creativity.



Care is at the center of the Early Childhood experience. Whether it’s the teachers taking a child’s hand on a morning nature walk, placing a band-aid, or giving a much-needed hug, or the children making a warm snack for each other, tidying the classroom, or comforting a friend, a sense of care is woven throughout each aspect of the day. Our children learn to care for each other, themselves, the classroom, and nature, so that they can become dedicated, compassionate stewards of the world around them.

parent-child to age 6

We want to meet the needs of every child, whether they’re brand new to the world, or getting ready for first grade.

  • In our Parent/Child classes, children and caregivers will experience a morning that echoes the rhythms and activities of a Waldorf Early Childhood classroom. You will be led by an experienced classroom teacher to enjoy and appreciate this time as your child does. This class will also offer a place to connect, discuss child development and parenting issues, and learn about Waldorf education as well as meet with other parents/caregivers of small children.

    During the 2 hours together, you and your child will experience puppet plays, circle time, play and exploration, poems and songs about the natural world and occasional seasonal crafts. It may just become your favorite thing to do with your child!

    Learn more here.

  • Our Seedling and Sprout Gardens provide a nurturing, home-like environment filled with song, stories, and free play.

    5-day and 3-day (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday only) schedules are available.

    Half Day: 8:00am-12:00pm
    Full Day: 8:00am-3:00pm

  • In our Daisy, Dandelion, and Sweet Pea Gardens, children will experience a rich curriculum of creative indoor and outdoor play, storytelling, food preparation, and more. This program provides our young children with a warm environment to nurture them socially, emotionally, and intellectually, while giving them the pre-academic foundation they need to excel in the grades program.

    Half Day: 8:00am-12:00pm
    Full Day: 8:00am-3:00pm

take a look inside an
early childhood classroom