family individualized tuition

The most important part of the Chicago Waldorf School is you.

The Chicago Waldorf School is, first and foremost, a community of individuals. We hail from five different continents, dozens of countries, and over 30 local neighborhoods. We represent a variety of different religions, genders, skin colors, abilities, and sexualities. Each of us brings something wholly unique, enhancing the richness and vibrancy of the entire school community. The Family Individualized Tuition (FIT) model is built to ensure that we can continue to welcome an ever-wider array of individuals into Chicago Waldorf School’s socio-economic diverse community.


what is fit?

No two families are identical. If your family is concerned about affording the cost of a private Waldorf education, Chicago Waldorf School uses a variable tuition model to determine a tuition rate specific to you.

Your Family Individualized Tuition (FIT) starts with a third party application to assess your family’s financial picture such as income, assets and expenses. While independent school tuition can be a financial stretch, after receiving your FIT determination many families find that Chicago Waldorf School is affordable.

Visit us today to experience the value of our joyful Waldorf community.

2024-2025 tuition ranges

  • 3 Half Days | $3,500 - $13,550
    3 Full Days | $4,000 - $17,200
    5 Half Days | $5,000 - $20,650
    5 Full Days | $6,500 - $26,300

  • $6,500 - $27,350

  • $6,500 - $29,550

  • $7,000 - $34,950

Your family’s fit

A family’s household income provides the most general sense of where a family will fit in the tuition ranges. However, the FIT application is the most accurate means to determining that custom tuition amount specific to you.

what’s included in tuition?

Family Individualized Tuition includes all fees for traditional Waldorf high-quality organic classroom supplies, professional-grade art materials, as well as the cost for local and out-of-state trips as applicable for each grade.

Not included in your tuition is a one-time New Family Fee of $1,500 and the 12th grade Maine trip. Optional CWS fees are: after-school activities; athletics; aftercare; lunch program; summer camp.

household income

  • Families in this income range rarely have the capacity to devote significant financial resources towards tuition, and typically have an annual FIT level at the low end of the posted range.

  • Families in this range often have to make difficult choices about how best to allocate financial resources. We strive to set a FIT level for each family for which a CWS education is accessible. Annual FIT levels for families in this range are typically between $7,000 and $16,000.

  • Independent school tuition often seems out of reach for middle income families. We strive to set a FIT level for each family for which a CWS education is accessible. Annual FIT levels for families in this range are typically between $12,000 and $26,000.

  • The financial flexibility of families with incomes in this range varies widely. Factors beyond annual income - such as family size, number of dependents in tuition-charging institutions, and accrued assets - weigh heavily in determining each family's FIT level. The range of FITs in this income level range from $17,000 up to $35,000 annually.

  • While many families in this income range have the financial capacity to fund substantial investments in their child's education, other families - particularly families with multiple children - expect that the tuition bill for several children will make independent school out of reach. Families at this income level will typically have an annual FIT level at the high end of the posted range, but may be adjusted if siblings are enrolled.

ready to apply for fit?

families who chose not to apply for FIT

There are families who pay at the top of the tuition range and whose philanthropic generosity is vital to Chicago Waldorf School’s success.

Families that choose to opt-out of FIT should complete this short Opt-Out Form and can plan for annual tuition at the highest tuition amount posted for the applicable grade level(s).